On 12/12/14, 2:38 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

Just as a note abot this one part along (I'll read the rest later). I
do have the new version of the CF app more or less ready to deploy,
but I got bogged down by thinking "I'll do it between two commitfests
to not be disruptive". But there has been no "between two
commitfests". Hopefully I can get around to doing it during the
holidays. It does integrate much tighter with the archives, that's
probably the core feature of it.

It also automates a bunch of the emailing no?


I can key in a bunch of the backlog of patches into the new app over the
holidays, but not before then.

FWIW, I suspect a call for help on -general or IRC would find volunteers for 
any necessary data entry work...
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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