Hi, all

While testing RC1, I found CONNECTBY had another problem. 
It seems to me that SCHEMA can't be used in CONNECTBY.
Is it just in time for 7.3 to be added to TODO items ?

CREATE TABLE test (id int4, parent_id int4, t text);
INSERT INTO test VALUES(11, null, 'aaa');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(101, 11, 'bbb');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(110, 11, 'ccc');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(111, 110, 'ddd');
 FROM connectby('test', 'id', 'parent_id', '11', 0, '.')
            as t(id int4, parent_id int4, level int, branch text);

 id  | parent_id | level |   branch   
  11 |           |     0 | 11
 101 |        11 |     1 | 11.101
 110 |        11 |     1 | 11.110
 111 |       110 |     2 | 11.110.111
(4 rows)

CREATE TABLE ms.test (id int4, parent_id int4, t text);
INSERT INTO ms.test VALUES(11, null, 'aaa');
INSERT INTO ms.test VALUES(101, 11, 'bbb');
INSERT INTO ms.test VALUES(110, 11, 'ccc');
INSERT INTO ms.test VALUES(111, 110, 'ddd');
 FROM connectby('ms.test', 'id', 'parent_id', '101', 0, '.')
            as t(id int4, parent_id int4, level int, branch text);

ERROR:  Relation "ms.test" does not exist

Masaru Sugawara

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