Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Joe Conway wrote:
>> Is quote_ident_required incorrectly dealing with schemas?

> Sorry to reply to myself, but another related question; shouldn't the 
> following produce "Ms"."Test"?

> test=# select quote_ident('Ms.Test');
>   quote_ident
> -------------
>   "Ms.Test"
> (1 row)

No, it should not.  If it did, it would fail to cope with tablenames
containing dots.

Since connectby takes a string parameter (correct?) for the table name,
my advice would be to have it not do quote_ident, but instead expect the
user to include double quotes in the string value if dealing with
mixed-case names.  Compare the behavior of nextval() for example:

regression=# select nextval('Foo.Bar');
ERROR:  Namespace "foo" does not exist
regression=# select nextval('"Foo"."Bar"');
ERROR:  Namespace "Foo" does not exist
regression=# select nextval('"Foo.Bar"');
ERROR:  Relation "Foo.Bar" does not exist

                        regards, tom lane

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