On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now, when you did what I understand to be the same test on the same
> machine, you got times ranging from 9.1 seconds to 35.4 seconds.
> Clearly, there is some difference between our test setups.  Moreover,
> I'm kind of suspicious about whether your results are actually
> physically possible.  Even in the best case where you somehow had the
> maximum possible amount of data - 64 GB on a 64 GB machine - cached,
> leaving no space for cache duplication between PG and the OS and no
> space for the operating system or postgres itself - the table is 120
> GB, so you've got to read *at least* 56 GB from disk.  Reading 56 GB
> from disk in 9 seconds represents an I/O rate of >6 GB/s. I grant that
> there could be some speedup from issuing I/O requests in parallel
> instead of serially, but that is a 15x speedup over dd, so I am a
> little suspicious that there is some problem with the test setup,
> especially because I cannot reproduce the results.

So I thought about this a little more, and I realized after some
poking around that hydra's disk subsystem is actually six disks
configured in a software RAID5[1].  So one advantage of the
chunk-by-chunk approach you are proposing is that you might be able to
get all of the disks chugging away at once, because the data is
presumably striped across all of them.  Reading one block at a time,
you'll never have more than 1 or 2 disks going, but if you do
sequential reads from a bunch of different places in the relation, you
might manage to get all 6.  So that's something to think about.

One could imagine an algorithm like this: as long as there are more
1GB segments remaining than there are workers, each worker tries to
chug through a separate 1GB segment.  When there are not enough 1GB
segments remaining for that to work, then they start ganging up on the
same segments.  That way, you get the benefit of spreading out the I/O
across multiple files (and thus hopefully multiple members of the RAID
group) when the data is coming from disk, but you can still keep
everyone busy until the end, which will be important when the data is
all in-memory and you're just limited by CPU bandwidth.

All that aside, I still can't account for the numbers you are seeing.
When I run with your patch and what I think is your test case, I get
different (slower) numbers.  And even if we've got 6 drives cranking
along at 400MB/s each, that's still only 2.4 GB/s, not >6 GB/s.  So
I'm still perplexed.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

[1] Not my idea.

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