On 3/22/15 2:59 PM, Tomas Vondra wrote:
On 22.3.2015 20:25, Fabien COELHO wrote:
>>>The proposed format is much simpler to manage in a script, and if you're
>>>interested in runtime, its formatting would be less expensive than %t
>>Maybe, but do we really need two?  How about just %M?
>I guess Tomas put 2 formats because there was 2 time formats to
>begin with, but truncating/rouding if someone really wants seconds is
>quite easy.
Yes, that's why I added two - to reflect %t and %m. I'm OK with using
just one of them - I don't really care for the milliseconds at this
moment, but I'd probably choose that option.

I assume we're using milli instead of micro because that's what everyone else does? It seems odd since we natively support microseconds, but I guess if milliseconds is more normal for logging that's OK.

FWIW, I don't see a problem with both %T and %M (whatever M ends up meaning), but I don't really care either way.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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