Gavin Sherry wrote:
On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

I've given a talk in the 2002 honours lecture series at UWA about Postgres
and some of the things it can do.  All of those guys were interested.
Especially since the deptartment does a lot of work in genetic algoriithms.

Excellent. Can you put that talk online somewhere?

Tell me when you start working on a document - I'm happy to help.  Since I'm
only just out of Uni, I'd like to write a set of possible assignments and
learning outcomes and how you can use postgres to support them.

My girlfriend is a PhD student at UWA CS dept :) plus I won the honours
scholarship there a year or two back, so I can get interest from the dept,
including the databases lecturer.  Might help for another point of view and

Excellent. Are there any other people involved in PostgreSQL and
universities or educational institutions? If so we could put something
together about experiences for the advocacy Web site.
Is this the kind of thing that the Techdocs Guides area would be good for? (


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift


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