Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
>> Marc G. Fournier writes:
>>> It isn't, but those working on -advocacy were asked to help come up with a
>>> stronger release *announcement* then we've had in the past ...
>> Consider that a failed experiment.  PostgreSQL is driven by the
>> development group and, to some extent, by the existing user base.  The
>> last thing we need is a marketing department in that mix.

> Peter, I understand your perspective, but I think you are in the
> minority on this one.

I tend to agree with Peter.  Not that we don't need a marketing
presence; we do (I think Great Bridge's marketing efforts are sorely
missed).  But the point he is making is that the pgsql mailing lists
go to people who are generally unimpressed by marketing fluff.  And
they're already "sold" on PG anyway.

The right way to handle this next time is to generate a PR-style
press release to send to outside contacts, but to do our more
traditional, technically-oriented announcement on the mailing lists.

                        regards, tom lane

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