Bruce Momjian wrote:

Iavor Raytchev wrote:

I actually do not understand why is the whole cry - why not somebody who has REALLY the marketing in his/her heart - does not make an open source amazingly beautiful and powerful web site. You do not have to ask Bruce for that. You get BRICOLAGE - it is free, and it is good - runs on it. You inspire some great designer to do the desing (do not ask a developer to do that, otherwise a designer might want to do some code and PostgreSQL is lost). Call Mario Garcia ( - he will be proud to help. And you take ten fanatic advocacy people to fill in success stories and case studies. News. Whatever.

It does not take that much. It take strong individuals that lead. However, some people on HACKERS find special pleasure to kill all initiative. I do not see this for first time...

I think we have gotten over that hurdle and _most_ agree marketing is a

I am sorry. Seems I came too late. I did it out of my good feelings.


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