Tom Lane kirjutas T, 10.12.2002 kell 02:05:
> [ moved to hackers from pgsql-patches ]
> "Christopher Kings-Lynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Peter wrote:
> >> Christopher Kings-Lynne writes:
> >>> \dc - list conversions [PATTERN]
> >>> \dC - list casts
> >> 
> >> What are we going to use for collations?
> > \dn   Is the only letter left in collations that hasn't been used!
> ... and that was already proposed for "show schemas" (namespaces).
> I'm inclined to think it's time to bite the bullet and go over to
> words rather than single characters to identify the \d target
> (viz, "\dschema", "\dcast", etc, presumably with unique abbreviations
> being allowed, as well as special cases for the historical single
> characters).
> The issue here is what do we do with the existing "\d[istvS]" behavior
> (for instance, "\dsit" means "list sequences, indexes, and tables").
> Is that useful enough to try to preserve, or do we just bit-bucket it?
> If we do try to preserve it, how should it work?

Why not use \D for "long" ids ?

Somewhat similar to -? and --help for command line.

Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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