Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane writes:
>> How do you mean "where"?

> I was more wondering where in the source tree to put and how to install
> it.  I would suggest the following:  I have a file information_schema.sql
> which contains the commands to create the information schema in a
> user-space manner.  I'd put it into backend/catalog, from there it gets
> installed in the same place the .bki files go, and initdb installs it into
> template1 near the end.

Ah.  That works for me.

> Maybe someone wants to make a case for putting the information schema
> definitions into a bunch of separate .sql files, one for each item defined
> in the standard?

One file per item is way overkill ... especially when there's no obvious
reason that people would want some but not all of these items.

> We also have to think whether we want to magically represent the
> information_schema in the search path as the spec prescribes.

We already have the necessary mechanism to let this be set on a
per-installation (or even per-database or per-user) basis.  I agree with
your thought that we need not make it the factory default.

                        regards, tom lane

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