On 2015/08/26 16:07, Kouhei Kaigai wrote:
I wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something, but why do we need such a flexiblity for
the columnar-stores?

Even if we enforce them a new interface specification comfortable to RDBMS,
we cannot guarantee it is also comfortable to other type of FDW drivers.

Specifically, what kind of points about the patch are specific to RDBMS?

If module-X wants to implement the EPQ fallback routine by itself, without
alternative plan, too rich interface design prevents what module-X really
wants to do.

Sorry, I fail to see the need or advantage for module-X to do so, in practice because I think EPQ testing is only execute a subplan for a *single* set of component test tuples. Maybe I'm missing something, though.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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