On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, Sander Steffann wrote:

> Hi,
> > On the other hand, in a shared hosting environment, I don't think
> > anyone would really like to have resource limits. What does it help
> > if your online shop stops working because too many people are
> > ordering stuff? IMHO it would be much more useful to have resource
> > usage accounting in that case, so that users can be charged for
> > added database usage.
> I work for an ISP offering shared hosting, and I don't like the idea of
> resource limits at all. Probably two things will happen:
> - Applications/websites will break for no good reason
> - Customers will be complaining about how unreliable PostgreSQL is

The system I would design would resemble that in Oracle. That is, by
default a user has unlimited access to resources. If the admin chooses to
limit resources, then so be it. The reason I've been thinking about it is
some people I've been working with at universities have a problem with
students effectively DoSing shared installations to affect
assessment. This was something they had control over when they used Oracle


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