> I discovered that some of the source files that one is supposed to
> download don't exist anymore or are labeled obsolete.  Also, running the
> scripts produces slight differences in the output.  So apparently, the
> CJK to Unicode mappings are still evolving and should be updated
> occasionally.  Next steps would be to commit some or all of these
> differences after additional verification, and then update the scripts
> to use whatever the non-obsolete mapping sources are supposed to be.

Some of maps were "hand tweaked" from the output of the script, for
example utf8_to_sjis.map. See git log for more details. This is due to
part of the source file was not incomplete or inappropriate. Also we
needed to compromise while creating a mapping between some local
encodings (for example SJIS) and Unicode, because in the source
mapping file round trip conversion is not guaranteed.

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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