"Serguei Mokhov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Looks good to me, but there is still a little inconvenience
> of multiline option descriptions, and the above won't handle
> it nicely.

True, a multiline description would have to look like

        xo(_("-f, --file=FILENAME    "),
           _("-f FILENAME            "),
           _("output file name\n"
             "                       more description"));

Which is not great, but it doesn't seem completely unworkable either.
And the translator can still adjust the column spacing without any
code changes.

> may be a whole generic option-formatting routine
> should be created; one for all the tools? ;-)
> Similar to explain_option() of Manfred,
> which will handle the mulitline, padding, and other stuff?
> (am being half serious here, but it could be an "option")

The trouble I see there is that the layout --- in particular the column
width --- would be embedded in such a routine and not alterable by
simply replacing message texts.

                        regards, tom lane

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