
Last night I heard that Postgres had no issue/bug tracker. At first I
thought the guy was trolling me. Seriously, how could this be. Certainly a
mature open source project that is the database for a measurable percentage
of the internet would have an issue tracker.

Sadly, I was not being trolled. I'm new around here so I will keep the
preaching to a minimum and cut right to the chase...

___It is time for an issue tracker___

Consider it a sign of success.  Y'all have done a GREAT job! Searching the
archives I see that this has come up before. This project is mature enough
that it has graduated to needing the support of an issue tracker.

At this point not having one is borderline negligent. I'd suggest: Github
Issues, Pivotal Tracker or Redmine (probably in that order). There are tens
to hundreds of other great ones out there, I'm sure one of them would also

Hopefully this feedback from a community member is helpful/useful, that was
my goal in writing in, I trust my intent comes through in this email. And
thanks for an awesome product :)

-Kam Lasater

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