On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 06:41, Dan Langille wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, Tom Lane wrote:
> > "Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I never considered tag'ng for minor releases as having any importance,
> > > since the tarball's themselves provide the 'tag' ... branches give us the
> > > ability to back-patch, but tag's don't provide us anything ... do they?
> >
> > Well, a tag makes it feasible for someone else to recreate the tarball,
> > given access to the CVS server.  Dunno how important that is in the real
> > world --- but I have seen requests before for us to tag release points.
> FWIW, in the real world, a release doesn't happen if it's not taqged.

Agreed!  Any tarballs, rpms, etc., should be made from the tagged
source.  Period.  If rpm's are made from a tarball that is made from
tagged source, that's fine.  Nonetheless, any official release (major or
minor) should always be made from the resulting tagged source.  This
does two things.  First, it validates that everything has been properly
tagged.  Two, it ensures that there are not any localized files or
changes which might become part of a tarball/release which are not
officially part of the repository.

I can't stress enough that a release should never happen unless source
has been tagged.  Releases should ALWAYS be made from a checkout based
on tags.

Greg Copeland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copeland Computer Consulting

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