"Christopher Kings-Lynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My postgres totally messed up again for some reason (there were like 3
> postmasters running, other weirdness).
> I noticed this as it was starting up again:
> 2003-01-07 18:01:34 DEBUG:  ReadRecord: unexpected pageaddr 16/F2794000 in
> log file 22, segment 249, offset 7946240
> 2003-01-07 18:01:34 DEBUG:  redo done at 16/F9791664

This is probably OK --- I believe it just suggests that an XLOG page
header is not what was expected, which is an unsurprising case after a
crash.  The system should recover anyway.  (If you were running with
fsync off, then more paranoia might be appropriate.)

> It also logged that it was killed with signal 9, although I didn't kill it!
> Is there something weird going on here?

Is this Linux?  The Linux kernel seems to think that killing
randomly-chosen processes with SIGKILL is an appropriate response to
running out of memory.  I cannot offhand think of a more brain-dead
behavior in any OS living or dead, but that's what it does.

                        regards, tom lane

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