Hiroshi Inoue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> IIRC *FETCH LAST* doesn't mean *FETCH ALL*.

SQL92 says

             ii) If the <fetch orientation> implicitly or explicitly spec-
                 ifies NEXT, specifies ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE with K greater
                 than N, or specifies LAST, then CR is positioned after the
                 last row.

So as far as the ending cursor position is concerned, LAST agrees with
ALL.  It looks to me like the SQL definition only contemplates returning
a single row, but it's less than clear *which* row they mean for LAST.

> In addition *FETCH 0* seems to be changed to mean
> *FETCH RELATIVE 0* currently. Is it reasonable ? 

Sure.  FETCH n in Postgres has always corresponded to FETCH RELATIVE n.

                        regards, tom lane

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