Nikolay Shaplov <> writes:
> But this is not the issue. We can change it any way we like. The question do 
> we need such example at all, or no?

I'm kind of -1 on the idea of a module that doesn't actually do something
*useful*.  Let's write some actual tests instead, and make them readable
enough that people can steal and repurpose the skeleton easily.

> I wrote this example based on ssl TAP test. There was no DBI there. And I 
> think it was done for purpose. If we add DBI to tests, then we should add it 
> to build dependencies. And it is not a good idea, and so not a good example.

Agreed.  We aren't going to accept any core tests that depend on DBI/DBD.
Now, that might be a fine example for tests written to test something that
uses Postgres ... but not as an example of how to write a core test.

                        regards, tom lane

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