Hi Thom,

On 11/18/15 8:54 AM, Thom Brown wrote:
On 10 June 2015 at 14:41, Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 09, 2015 at 03:54:59PM -0400, David Steele wrote:
I've certainly had quite the experience as a first-time contributor
working on this patch.  Perhaps I bit off more than I should have and I
definitely managed to ruffle a few feathers along the way.  I learned a
lot about how the community works, both the good and the bad.  Fear not,
though, I'm not so easily discouraged and you'll definitely be hearing
more from me.

Glad to hear it.

The stated purpose of contrib is: "include porting tools, analysis
utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core PostgreSQL
system, mainly because they address a limited audience or are too
experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does not preclude
their usefulness."

Perhaps we should consider modifying that language, because from my
perspective pg_audit fit the description perfectly.

"What is contrib?" attracts enduring controversy; see recent thread "RFC:
Remove contrib entirely" for the latest episode.  However that discussion
concludes, that documentation passage is not too helpful as a guide to
predicting contrib patch reception.  (Most recent contrib additions had an
obvious analogy to an existing module, sidestepping the question.)

Is pg_audit being resubmitted for 9.6 at all?

A number of people have asked me about this over the last few months. I would certainly be interested in resubmitting this for 9.6.

I fixed many of the issues that caused complaints at the end of the 9.5 cycle, but there are still two remaining items I would want to address before resubmitting:

1) There was concern about audit messages being sent to the clients.
I'm looking at adding an option to the ereport macro to suppress sending
messages to the clients.  I'll submit that patch soon.

2) I would like make install-check to work with modules that require shared_preload_libraries. My understanding is that Andrew may have already fixed this, but if not I'll look into it.


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