On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 4:43 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> * pg_rewind exiting with error code 1 when source and target are on the same 
> timeline
> Is this a new-in-9.5 bug, or a pre-existing problem?  If the latter,
> I'm not sure it's a release blocker.

pg_rewind has been introduced in 9.5. It would be good to get
something consistent before GA.

> * Relation files of unlogged relation for btree and spgist indexes not 
> initialized after promotion
> Again, is this a release blocker?  It's evidently a very old bug.

Actually for 9.5 it could be said so. The approach proposed by Andres
and that I have patched requires a bump of the WAL format. It would be
nice to get that into 9.5 tree. Or 9.5 will have to use a solution
similar to the back branches, which would be something like syncing
unconditionally INIT_FORKNUM at replay after replaying its FPW.
Thoughts welcome on the dedicated thread.

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