On 9/15/15 11:49 PM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
1. processing user input with little bit more comfort - the user doesn't
need to separate schema and table

This is especially useful if you're doing anything that needs to dynamically work with different objects. I'd say about 80% of the time I'm doing this ::regclass is good enough, but obviously the object has to exist then, and ::regclass doesn't separate schema from name.

There's a number of other handy convenience functions/views you can create to interface with the catalog, none of which are rocket science. But you're pretty screwed if what you want isn't in the catalog yet. (On a side note, something my TODO is to restart pg_newsysviews as an extension, and then add a bunch of convenience functions on top of that... things like relation_info(regclass) RETURNS (everything in pg_class, plus other useful bits like nspname), and relation_schema(regclass) RETURNS regnamespace).

FWIW, the other function I've wanted in the past that's difficult to implement externally is parsing the arguments of a function definition. ::regprocedure kinda works for this, but it blows up on certain things (defaults being one, iirc). I've specifically wanted that capability for a function I wrote that made it easy to specify *everything* about a function in a single call, including it's permissions and a comment on the function. That may sound trivial, but it's a PITA to cut and paste the whole argument list into multiple REVOKE/GRANT/COMMENT on statements. Even worse, not all the options of CREATE FUNCTION are supported in those other commands, so often you can't even just cut and paste.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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