On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 12:01 AM, David Rowley
<david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On 27 July 2015 at 04:58, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinn...@iki.fi> wrote:
>> This patch seems sane to me, as far as it goes. However, there's no
>> planner or executor code to use the aggregate combining for anything. I'm
>> not a big fan of dead code, I'd really like to see something to use this.
> I've attached an updated version of the patch. The main change from last
> time is that I've added executor support and exposed this to the planner via
> two new parameters in make_agg().
> I've also added EXPLAIN support, this will display "Partial
> [Hash|Group]Aggregate" for cases where the final function won't be called
> and displays "Finalize [Hash|Group]Aggregate" when combining states and
> finalizing aggregates.
> This patch is currently intended for foundation work for parallel
> aggregation.

Given Tom's dislike of executor nodes that do more than one thing, I
fear he's not going to be very happy about combining Aggregate,
PartialAggregate, FinalizeAggregate, GroupAggregate,
PartialGroupAggregate, FinalizeGroupAggregate, HashAggregate,
PartialHashAggregate, and FinalizeHashAggregate under one roof.
However, it's not at all obvious to me what would be any better.
nodeAgg.c is already a very big file, and this patch adds a
surprisingly small amount of code to it.

I think the parameter in CREATE AGGREGATE ought to be called
COMBINEFUNC rather than CFUNC.  There are a lot of English words that
begin with C, and it's not self-evident which one is meant.

"iif performing the final aggregate stage we'll check the qual" should
probably say "If" with a capital letter rather than "iif" without one.

I think it would be useful to have a test patch associated with this
patch that generates a FinalizeAggregate + PartialAggregate combo
instead of an aggregate, and run that through the regression tests.
There will obviously be EXPLAIN differences, but in theory nothing
else should blow up.  Of course, such tests will become more
meaningful as we add more combine-functions, but this would at least
be a start.

Generally, I think that this patch will be excellent infrastructure
for parallel aggregate and I think we should try to get it committed

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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