Lamar Owen wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 09:20, Justin Clift wrote:

Sound like a plan? Will also need someone else with a Solaris 8 SPARC
system to try the packages out too, just in case there are weird library
dependencies happening that might catch us out.

I have access to several (two dozen) currently unused Ultra30 systems. I can install Sol8 on one and Sol9 on another and provide ssh access (once I figure out how to get ssh working on Solaris) to you, once I know your static IP address or subnet range. It may be a few days to a week before I can do the actual installation, however.

I dont have Solaris 9... so Lamar's plan sounds like the way to go....
However, I am can still built for '8 if Lamar and/or yourself get snowed under....



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