On 04/13/2016 01:38 AM, Simon Riggs wrote:
On 12 April 2016 at 23:46, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com
<mailto:j...@commandprompt.com>> wrote:

    So what am I missing?

Thanks for the bug report, but unfortunately the CF is now over and
pglogical is not in 9.6. So its a little late for reviews and bug reports.

I wasn't clear where I should be sending information about pgLogical or if this was indeed a bug report or user error.

I'm not sure of the exact status of pglogical now. It's has a good
reception outside of Hackers, but not much has been said here, so its
unclear whether it will be in 9.7. Obviously if its not got support and
will eventually be rejected for an alternate design, fixing the bugs
won't be worthwhile discussion on Hackers.

This may be true. Is there another mailing list where this discussion is more appropriate?

If we want this in 9.7, we'll need lots of people's support, design
commentary and assistance with bug fixing. So some exploration of
whether this is a pglogical issue, an origin issue or decoding issue
would help a lot, if you can provide that?

I am certainly happy to provide any logs etc... This is just a test instance that I was scaffolding for a presentation.

Obviously, investigating
every case is difficult but we should be able to build up a library of
test cases over time to assist with that.

Sure but having a better understanding through documentation of what is supposed to work and what isn't would be helpful too. As I mentioned in my OP, I wasn't even sure if it was something I was missing? I could have just tried to make it do something it wasn't meant to do.

If we agree this is worth further work, I'll take responsibility for it
in 9.7.

I think that is kind of up to 2Q? Are you saying that if .Org doesn't want pgLogical in core then it isn't going to be supported or developed or are you trying to determine if you need to start building an individual community around it?

Anyway, who agrees with the overall design of pglogical and who does not?

From a usability standpoint I find the interface a little rough. I would much prefer to be able to do things like:


But I am unaware if that is possible within the constraints of the extensions API.



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