On 05/10/2016 08:26 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 3:00 AM, konstantin knizhnik
<k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
What's wrong with it that worker is blocked? You can just have more workers
(more than CPU cores) to let other of them continue to do useful work.
Not really.  The workers are all running the same plan, so they'll all
make the same decision about which node needs to be executed next.  If
that node can't accommodate multiple processes trying to execute it at
the same time, it will have to block all of them but the first one.
Adding more processes just increases the number of processes sitting
around doing nothing.

Doesn't this actually mean that we need to have normal job scheduler which is given queue of jobs and having some pool of threads will be able to orginize efficient execution of queries? Optimizer can build pipeline (graph) of tasks, which corresponds to execution plan nodes, i.e. SeqScan, Sort, ... Each task is splitted into several jobs which can be concurretly scheduled by task dispatcher. So you will not have blocked worker waiting for something and all system resources will be utilized. Such approach with dispatcher allows to implement quotas, priorities,... Also dispatches can care about NUMA and cache optimizations which is especially critical on modern architectures. One more reference: http://db.in.tum.de/~leis/papers/morsels.pdf

Sorry, may be I wrong, but I still think that async.ops is "multitasking for 
Yes, maintaining threads and especially separate processes adds significant overhead. It leads to extra resources consumption and context switches are quite expensive. And I know from my own experience that replacing several concurrent processes performing some IO (for example with sockets) with just one process using multiplexing allows to increase performance. But still async. ops. is just a way to make programmer responsible for managing state machine instead of relying on OS tomake context switches. Manual transmission is still more efficient than automatic transmission. But still most drives prefer last one;)

Seriously, I carefully read your response to Kochei, but still not convinced 
that async. ops. is what we need.  Or may be we just understand different thing 
by this notion.

But there are some researches, for example:


showing that the same or even better effect can be achieved by generation
native code for query execution plan (which is not so difficult now, thanks
to LLVM).
It eliminates interpretation overhead and increase cache locality.
I get similar results with my own experiments of accelerating SparkSQL.
Instead of native code generation I used conversion of query plans to C code
and experiment with different data representation. "Horisontal model" with
loading columns on demands shows better performance than columnar store.
Yes, I think this approach should also be considered.

At this moment (February) them have implemented translation of only few
PostgreSQL operators used by ExecQuals  and do not support aggregates.
Them get about 2 times increase of speed at synthetic queries and 25%
increase at TPC-H Q1 (for Q1 most critical is generation of native code for
aggregates, because ExecQual itself takes only 6% of time for this query).
Actually these 25% for Q1 were achieved not by using dynamic code
generation, but switching from PULL to PUSH model in executor.
It seems to be yet another interesting PostgreSQL executor transformation.
As far as I know, them are going to publish result of their work to open
Interesting.  You may notice that in "asynchronous mode" my prototype
works using a push model of sorts.  Maybe that should be taken

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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