On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Kevin Grittner <kgri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have reviewed the code and run tests to try to find something
>> here which could be considered a bug, without finding any problem.
>> When reading pages for the random sample for ANALYZE (or
>> auto-analyze) there is not an age check; so ANALYZE completes
>> without error, keeping statistics up-to-date.
>> There really is no difference in behavior except in the case that:
>> (1)  old_snapshot_threshold >= 0 to enable the "snapshot too old"
>>        feature, and
>> (2)  there were tuples that were dead as the result of completed
>>        transactions, and
>> (3)  those tuples became older than the threshold, and
>> (4)  those tuples were pruned or vacuumed away, and
>> (5)  an ANALYZE process would have read those dead tuples had they
>>        not been removed.
>> In such a case the irrevocably dead, permanently removed tuples are
>> not counted in the statistics.  I have trouble seeing a better
>> outcome than that.  Among my tests, I specifically checked for an
>> ANALYZE of a table having an index on an expression, using an old
>> snapshot:
>> -- connection 1
>> drop table if exists t1;
>> create table t1 (c1 int not null);
>> drop table if exists t2;
>> create table t2 (c1 int not null);
>> insert into t1 select generate_series(1, 10000);
>> drop function mysq(i int);
>> create function mysq(i int)
>>   returns int
>>   language plpgsql
>>   immutable
>> as $mysq$
>> begin
>>   return (i * i);
>> end
>> $mysq$;
>> create index t1_c1sq on t1 ((mysq(c1)));
>> begin transaction isolation level repeatable read;
>> select 1;
>> -- connection 2
>> vacuum analyze verbose t1;
>> delete from t1 where c1 between 1000 and 1999;
>> delete from t1 where c1 = 8000;
>> insert into t2 values (1);
>> select pg_sleep_for('2min');
>> vacuum verbose t1;  -- repeat if necessary to see the dead rows
>> disappear
>> -- connection 1
>> analyze verbose t1;
>> This runs to completion, as I would want and expect.
>> I am closing this item on the "PostgreSQL 9.6 Open Items" page.  If
>> anyone feels that I've missed something, please provide a test to
>> show the problem, or a clear description of the problem and how you
>> feel behavior should be different.
> So what happens in this scenario:
> 1. ANALYZE runs really slowly - maybe the user-defined function it's
> running for the expression index is extremely long-running.
> 2. Eventually, the snapshot for ANALYZE is older than the configured
> value of snapshot_too_old.
> 3. Then, ANALYZE selects a page with an LSN new enough that it might
> have been pruned.
> Presumably, the ANALYZE ought to error out in this scenario, just as
> it would in any other situation where an old snapshot sees a new page.
> No?

The test I showed creates a situation which (to ANALYZE) is
identical to what you describe -- ANALYZE sees a page with an LSN
recent enough that it could have been (and actually has been)
pruned.  Why would it be better for the ANALYZE to fail than to

Kevin Grittner
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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