On 2016/08/22 13:51, Ashutosh Bapat wrote:
> The parent-child relationship of multi-level partitioned tables is not
> retained when creating the AppendRelInfo nodes. We create RelOptInfo nodes
> for all the leaf and intermediate tables. The AppendRelInfo nodes created
> for these RelOptInfos set the topmost table as the parent of all the leaf
> and child tables. Since partitioning scheme/s at each level is/are
> associated with the parent/s at that level, we loose information about the
> immediate parents and thus it becomes difficult to identify which leaf node
> falls where in the partition hierarchy. This stops us from doing any
> lump-sum partition pruning where we can eliminate all the partitions under
> a given parent-partition if that parent-partition gets pruned. It also
> restricts partition-wise join technique from being applied to partial
> partition hierarchy when the whole partitioning scheme of joining tables
> does not match. Maintaining a RelOptInfo hierarchy should not create
> corresponding Append (all kinds) plan hierarchy since
> accumulate_append_subpath() flattens any such hierarchy while creating
> paths. Can you please consider this point in your upcoming patch?

I agree.  So there seem to be two things here:  a) when expanding a
partitioned table inheritance set, do it recursively such that resulting
AppendRelInfos preserve *immediate* parent-child relationship info.  b)
when accumulating append subpaths, do not flatten a subpath that is itself
an append when ((AppendPath *) subpath)->path.parent is a RelOptInfo with
non-NULL partitioning info.  Is the latter somehow necessary for
pairwise-join considerations?

I think I can manage to squeeze in (a) in the next version patch and will
also start working on (b), mainly the part about RelOptInfo getting some
partitioning info.


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