* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:
> > As outlined in the commit message, this adds support for restrictive RLS
> > policies.  We've had this in the backend since 9.5, but they were only
> > available via hooks and therefore extensions.  This adds support for
> > them to be configured through regular DDL commands.  These policies are,
> > essentially "AND"d instead of "OR"d.
> >
> > Includes updates to the catalog, grammer, psql, pg_dump, and regression
> > tests.  Documentation will be added soon, but until then, would be great
> > to get feedback on the grammer, catalog and code changes.
> I don't like CREATE RESTRICT POLICY much.  It's not very good grammar,
> for one thing.  I think putting the word RESTRICT, or maybe AS
> RESTRICT, somewhere later in the command would be better.

I had been notionally thinking RESTRICTIVE, but ended up just using
RESTRICT since it was already an unreserved keyword.  Of course, that's
not a good reason.

> I also think that it is very strange to have the grammar keyword be
> "restrict" but the internal flag be called "permissive".  It would be
> better to have the sense of those flags match.

Permissive is the default and should just be added to the grammar, so
users can be explicit, if they wish to.

* Thom Brown (t...@linux.com) wrote:
> On 1 September 2016 at 10:02, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I don't like CREATE RESTRICT POLICY much.  It's not very good grammar,
> > for one thing.  I think putting the word RESTRICT, or maybe AS
> > RESTRICT, somewhere later in the command would be better.
> >
> > I also think that it is very strange to have the grammar keyword be
> > "restrict" but the internal flag be called "permissive".  It would be
> > better to have the sense of those flags match.
> >
> > (This is not intended as a full review, just a quick comment.)
> I had proposed this sort of functionality a couple years back:
> https://www.depesz.com/2014/10/02/waiting-for-9-5-row-level-security-policies-rls/#comment-187800
> And I suggested CREATE RESTRICTIVE POLICY, but looking back at that,
> perhaps you're right, and it would be better to add it later in the
> command.

Ah, I had recalled seeing something along those lines somewhere, but
didn't know where, thanks.

Based on Robert's suggestion and using Thom's verbiage, I've tested this


and it appears to work fine with the grammar, etc.

Unless there's other thoughts on this, I'll update the patch to reflect
this grammar in a couple days.



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