Hello, hackers!

We were testing how well some application works with PostgreSQL and stumbled upon an autovacuum behavior which I fail to understand. Application in question have a habit to heavily use temporary tables in funny ways.
For example it creates A LOT of them.
Which is ok.
Funny part is that it never drops them. So when backend is finally terminated, it tries to drop them and fails with error:

FATAL:  out of shared memory
HINT:  You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction

If I understand that rigth, we are trying to drop all these temp tables in one transaction and running out of locks to do so. After that postgresql.log is flooded at the rate 1k/s with messages like that:

LOG: autovacuum: found orphan temp table "pg_temp_15"."tt38147" in database "DB_TEST"

It produces a noticeable load on the system and it`s getting worst with every terminated backend or restart. I did some RTFS and it appears that autovacuum has no intention of cleaning that orphan tables unless
it`s wraparound time:

             /* We just ignore it if the owning backend is still active */
2037 if (backendID == MyBackendId || BackendIdGetProc(backendID) == NULL)
 2038             {
 2039                 /*
2040 * We found an orphan temp table (which was probably left 2041 * behind by a crashed backend). If it's so old as to need 2042 * vacuum for wraparound, forcibly drop it. Otherwise just
 2043                  * log a complaint.
 2044                  */
 2045                 if (wraparound)
 2046                 {
 2047                     ObjectAddress object;
 2049                     ereport(LOG,
2050 (errmsg("autovacuum: dropping orphan temp table \"%s\".\"%s\" in database \"%s\"",
 2051 get_namespace_name(classForm->relnamespace),
 2052 NameStr(classForm->relname),
 2053 get_database_name(MyDatabaseId))));
 2054                     object.classId = RelationRelationId;
 2055                     object.objectId = relid;
 2056                     object.objectSubId = 0;
2057 performDeletion(&object, DROP_CASCADE, PERFORM_DELETION_INTERNAL);
 2058                 }
 2059                 else
 2060                 {
 2061                     ereport(LOG,
2062 (errmsg("autovacuum: found orphan temp table \"%s\".\"%s\" in database \"%s\"",
 2063 get_namespace_name(classForm->relnamespace),
 2064 NameStr(classForm->relname),
 2065 get_database_name(MyDatabaseId))));
 2066                 }
 2067             }
 2068         }

What is more troubling is that pg_statistic is starting to bloat badly.

LOG: automatic vacuum of table "DB_TEST.pg_catalog.pg_statistic": index scans: 0
        pages: 0 removed, 68225 remain, 0 skipped due to pins
tuples: 0 removed, 2458382 remain, 2408081 are dead but not yet removable
        buffer usage: 146450 hits, 31 misses, 0 dirtied
        avg read rate: 0.010 MB/s, avg write rate: 0.000 MB/s
        system usage: CPU 3.27s/6.92u sec elapsed 23.87 sec

What is the purpose of keeping orphan tables around and not dropping them on the spot?

Grigory Smolkin
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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