On 09/11/2016 01:20 AM, Christian Convey wrote:
Hi Heikki,

Could I ask you a newbie-reviewer question about something I'm seeing
here?  https://commitfest.postgresql.org/10/776/

From some reading I've done (e.g., Stephen Frost's PGCon 2011 slides),
I got the impression that a successful patch would always have this
sequence of states in commitfest:
  1. patch-record created
  2. Needs Review
  3. Ready for Committer

But if I'm reading the patch's activity log correctly, it looks like
you marked the patch as "Ready for Committer" (2016-09-06 18:59:02)
without any record of it having been reviewed.

Was that intentional?

Yeah, I commented on the patches at https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/e8e7e5a7-0308-2c36-d32a-7aab16ba498c%40iki.fi. It was very cursory, but I figured that would be sufficient feedback for now, for Peter to proceed with the first few straightforward patches in the series. I don't think there's consensus that we want to do more than that, to actually switch to C++.

P.S. I'm asking because I was planning to review that patch.  But I
can't tell if any more review by a non-committer is still required by
the commitfest workflow.

I think this has gotten enough attention, for the commitfest workflow. But of course, if you're interested, feel free to review and comment anyway!

- Heikki

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