On 9/20/16 4:07 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> No, I'm assuming that the classes would be built-in.  A string tag
> seems like over-engineering to me, particularly because the postmaster
> needs to switch on the tag, and we need to be very careful about the
> degree to which the postmaster trusts the contents of shared memory.

I'm hoping that we can come up with something that extensions can
participate in, without the core having to know ahead of time what those
extensions are or how they would be categorized.

My vision is something like

max_processes = 512  # requires restart

process_allowances = 'connection:300 superuser:10 autovacuum:10
parallel:30 replication:10 someextension:20 someotherextension:20'
# does not require restart

Peter Eisentraut              http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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