[3rd day of trying to track down a SEGV]

In gistSplit() I see:

              newtup[0] = gistFormTuple(giststate, r, v.spl_rattr, v.spl_rattrsize, 

but v.spl_rattrsize hasn't been initialized:

  (gdb) p v.spl_rattrsize[0]
  $136 = -1073749368

Is this going to be a problem?  Eventually we get a GISTENTRY with bad
bytes in gistFormTuple(), but maybe it's never used?

  (gdb) p centry[0]
  $138 = {key = 137280264, rel = 0x0, page = 0x0, offset = 0, bytes = -1073749368, 
leafkey = 0 '\0'}

Itai Zukerman  <http://www.math-hat.com/~zukerman/>

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