On 10/04/2016 10:43 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
While chasing down last night's failure on buildfarm member longfin,
I came across an interesting factoid.  If you just do

        ./configure --enable-shared
        make install

in unmodified Python sources, what you will get is an install tree in
which libpython.so (or local equivalent such as .dylib) is installed
in /usr/local/lib, while libpython.a is installed in a directory named
like /usr/local/lib/python3.5/config-3.5m.  I've verified this behavior
on both Linux and macOS.

Wow, these modules have uncovered a number of cans of worms.

In short: I propose replacing all of this logic with "if there's something
in $python_libdir that has the right name to be a python shared library,
use that, else try the same in $python_configdir, else fail".  Thoughts?


Seems reasonable.



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