
On 2016-10-06 14:38:56 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> Obviously, there's a vast increase in TPS, and the backends seem to
> spend most of their time actually doing work.  ClientRead is now the
> overwhelmingly dominant wait event, although wal_insert and
> WALWriteLock contention is clearly still a significant problem.
> Contention on other locks is apparently quite rare.  Notice that
> client reads are really significant here - more than 20% of the time
> we sample what a backend is doing, it's waiting for the next query.
> It seems unlikely that performance on this workload can be improved
> very much by optimizing anything other than WAL writing, because no
> other wait event appears in more than 1% of the samples.

I don't think you meant that, but this sounds a bit like that there's
nothing to do performance-wise - I don't think that's true.  There's no
significant lock-contention, yes. But that obviously doesn't mean we can
use resources more efficiently.

> Second, ClientRead becomes a bigger and bigger issue as the number of
> clients increases; by 192 clients, it appears in 45% of the samples.
> That basically means that pgbench is increasingly unable to keep up
> with the server; for whatever reason, it suffers more than the server
> does from the increasing lack of CPU resources.

Isn't that more a question of pgbench threads beeing preemted, so server
processes can run? Since there's not enough hardware threads for both
servers and clients to always run, you *have* to switch between them.
Usually a read from the client after processing a query will cause a
directed wakeup of the other thread (which is why it's not a very
frequently observed state), but if the queue of to-be-run tasks is very
long that'll not happen.


Andres Freund

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