On 19 October 2016 at 14:52, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
>> I propose we introduce the concept of "indirect indexes".  I have a toy
>> implementation and before I go further with it, I'd like this assembly's
>> input on the general direction.
>> Indirect indexes are similar to regular indexes, except that instead of
>> carrying a heap TID as payload, they carry the value of the table's
>> primary key.  Because this is laid out on top of existing index support
>> code, values indexed by the PK can only be six bytes long (the length of
>> ItemPointerData); in other words, 281,474,976,710,656 rows are
>> supported, which should be sufficient for most use cases.[1]
> So, I think that this is a really promising direction, but also that
> you should try very hard to try to get out from under this 6-byte PK
> limitation.  That seems really ugly, and in practice it probably means
> your PK is probably going to be limited to int4, which is kind of sad
> since it leaves people using int8 or text PKs out in the cold.  I
> believe Claudio Freire is on to something when he suggests storing the
> PK in the index tuple; one could try to skip storing the TID, or
> always store it as all-zeroes.

The main problem IMV is GIN indexes. It's relatively easy to discuss
variable length PKs with btrees, but the GIN format is designed around
use of 6byte values, so expanding beyond that would require
significant redesign/reimplementation. That would be at least a year's
work for not much benefit, so cannot occur for the first release.

A limit 281 trillion rows means the row headers alone will be 9
Petabytes, before we even include block wastage and data payload per
row. So that is more than we'll need for a few years. Setting the max
sequence value to 281474976710656 should be easy enough.

> Simon objected that putting the PK
> into the index tuple would disable HOT, but I don't think that's a
> valid objection.

Just to be clear, that's not what I objected to. Claudio appeared to
be suggesting that an indirect index is the same thing as an index
with PK tacked onto the end, which I re-confirm is not the case since
doing that would not provide the primary objective of indirect

> The whole point of an indirect index is that it
> doesn't disable HOT, and the physical location within the index page
> you stick the PK value doesn't have any impact on whether that's safe.

Agreed, though it does have an impact on the length of the index tuple
and thus the size and effectiveness of the index.

Perhaps its best to see the restriction to 6byte PKs as both the first
phase of implementation and an optimization, rather than an ugly wart.

Simon Riggs                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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