Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane writes:
>> where the x's are single-character field identifiers.

> I think we need more flexible field tags.  The SQL standards has
> provisions for more fields accompanying error messages, such as the name
> of the affected table.

Well, we can certainly add more tags, but do you foresee needing more
than 50 or so?  I'd prefer to stick to single-byte tags for space
reasons, even if they stop being very mnemonic at some point.  As long
as we don't run out of printable ASCII characters, it's easy on both the
sending and receiving sides to cope with single-byte tags.

I had missed the relevance of <condition information item name>, will
go look at it.

>> NOTE: a variant scheme would treat the SQLSTATE code as an optional
>> parameter too, ie you'd write
>> ereport(ERROR, errcode(ERRCODE_xxx), ...

> I have a feeling that most errors are of the "internal" class, either
> those that are really a kind of assertion check (perhaps we should
> consider an enhanced API for those in the future) or failed system or
> library calls.  We would need to analyze that feeling a little more, but
> if it's true then we might save some effort if the default error code
> were "internal".

Yeah, that was in the back of my mind too, but I hadn't got round to
counting to see if it's right.

> Then again, it might seem better if the default error code were closer in
> nature to "default", meaning an unspecified error if the programmer
> couldn't think of one (consider loadable modules).

Unconverted elog's will produce some such SQLSTATE, but if we can't
think of a better SQLSTATE for ones we *have* converted then I think we
need to think harder ;-)

This brings up something I had wanted to start a separate thread for,
which is exactly what SQLSTATEs do we want to define beyond those given
in the spec.  Any thoughts?

> Speaking of loadable modules, one feature that would be useful would be
> the ability to select a different message catalog for translations.
> Right now an elog(ERROR, "foo") call in a loaded module looks up "foo" in
> the message catalog provided by the main server but it probably won't be
> there.  This could look like

> ereport(ERROR, errmsgdomain("plpgsql"), "...")

Rather than cluttering the individual ereport calls with such a thing,
can't a loadable module just do something when it is loaded to add its
message catalog file to the set that will be searched?  (But it is
interesting that we *could* do it as you suggest.  This mechanism is
more flexible than I realized...)

                        regards, tom lane

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