On 2017-01-21 12:46:05 -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > I stand by the opinion that changing default which affect performance
> > without any benchmark is bad idea.
> I'd be surprised if the performance impact has really changed all that
> much since the code went in.  Perhaps that's overly optimistic of me.

Back then there were cases with well over 20% overhead. More edge cases,
but that's a lot.  And our scalability back then was a lot worse than
where we are today.

> > And for the record, I care much less about overall TPS, I care a lot
> > more about amount of WAL produced because in 90%+ environments that I
> > work with any increase in WAL amount means at least double the increase
> > in network bandwidth due to replication.
> Do you run with all defaults in those environments?

Irrelevant - changing requires re-initdb'ing. That's unrealistic.


Andres Freund

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