Hello hackers,

There were many discussions concerning possible ways of speeding-up Postgres. Different approaches were suggested:

- JIT (now we have three different prototype implementations based on LLVM)
- Chunked (vectorized) executor
- Replacing pull with push
- Columnar store (cstore_fdw, IMCS)
- Optimizing and improving current executor (reducing tuple deform overhead, function call overhead,...)

Obviously the best result can be achieved in case of combining all this approaches. But actually them are more or less interchangeable: vectorized execution is not eliminating interpretation overhead, but it is divided by vector size and becomes less critical.

I decided to write small prototype to estimate possible speed improvement of vectorized executor. I created special types representing "tile" and implement standard SQL operators for them. So neither Postgres planer, nether Postgres executor, nether Postgres heap manager are changed. But I was able to reach more than 10 times speed improvement on TPC-H Q1/Q6 queries!

Please find more information here: https://cdn.rawgit.com/postgrespro/vops/ddcbfbe6/vops.html The sources of the project can be found here: https://github.com/postgrespro/vops.git

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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