
* Ashutosh Bapat ( wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 7:54 PM, Amos Bird <> wrote:
> > Well, the prefix is used to differentiate other \d commands, like
> > this,
> >
> > amos=# \ditv
> >                       List of relations
> >  Schema |        Name        |     Type     | Owner |  Table
> > --------+--------------------+--------------+-------+---------
> >  public | i                  | table        | amos  |
> >  public | ii                 | index: gist  | amos  | i
> >  public | j                  | table        | amos  |
> >  public | jj                 | index: gin   | amos  | i
> >  public | jp                 | index: btree | amos  | i
> >  public | js                 | index: brin  | amos  | i
> >  public | numbers            | table        | amos  |
> >  public | numbers_mod2       | index: gin   | amos  | numbers
> >  public | numbers_mod2_btree | index: btree | amos  | numbers
> >  public | ts                 | table        | amos  |
> > (10 rows)
> The header for this table is "list of relations", so type gets
> associated with relations indicated type of relation. btree: gin as a
> type of relation doesn't sound really great.

The type is 'index', we're just adding a sub-type here to clarify the
kind of index it is.

> Instead we might want to
> add another column "access method" and specify the access method used
> for that relation. But then only indexes seem to have access methods
> per pg_class.h.

Right, I don't think having an extra column which is going to be NULL a
large amount of the time is good.  The approach taken by Amos seems like
a good one to me, to have the type still be 'index' but with a sub-type
indicating the access method.



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