On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 8:28 AM, Rahila Syed <rahilasye...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the updated patch.
> I have applied and tested it on latest sources and the patch looks good to
> me.

The documentation puts the new wait events in a pretty random order.
I think they should be alphabetized, like we do with the IPC events.
I also suggest we change the naming scheme so that the kind of thing
being operated on is first and this is followed by the operation name.
This will let us keep related entries next to each other after
alphabetizing.  So with that principle in mind:

- instead of ReadDataBlock etc. I propose DataFileRead, DataFileWrite,
DataFileSync, DataFileExtend, DataFileFlush, DataFilePrefetch,
DataFileTruncate.  using file instead of block avoids singular/plural
- instead of RelationSync and RelationImmedSync I proposed
DataFileSync and DataFileImmediateSync; these are md.c operations like
the previous set, so why name it differently?
- instead of WriteRewriteDataBlock and SyncRewriteDataBlock and
TruncateLogicalMappingRewrite, which aren't consistent with each other
even though they are related, I propose LogicalRewriteWrite,
LogicalRewriteSync, and LogicalRewriteTruncate, which are also closer
to the names of the functions that contain those wait points
- for ReadBuffile and WriteBuffile seem OK, I propose BufFileRead and
BufFileWrite, again reversing the order and also tweaking the
- in keeping with our new policy of referring to xlog as wal in user
visible interfaces, I propose WALRead, WALCopyRead, WALWrite,
WALInitWrite, WALCopyWrite, WALBootstrapWrite, WALInitSync,
WALBootstrapSync, WALSyncMethodAssign
- for control file ops, ControlFileRead, ControlFileWrite,
ControlFileWriteUpdate, ControlFileSync, ControlFileSyncUpdate
- ReadApplyLogicalMapping and friends seem to have to do with the
reorderbuffer code, so maybe ReorderBufferRead etc.
- there seems to be some discrepancy between the documentation and
pgstat_get_wait_io for the snapbuild stuff.  maybe SnapBuildWrite,
SnapBuildSync, SnapBuildRead.
- SLRURead, SLRUWrite, etc.
- TimelineHistoryRead, etc.
- the syslogger changes should be dropped, since the syslogger is not
and should not be connected to shared memory
- the replslot terminology seems like a case of odd capitalization and
overeager abbreviation.  why not ReplicationSlotRead,
ReplicationSlotWrite, etc?  similarly RelationMapRead,
RelationMapWrite, etc?
- CopyFileRead, CopyFileWrite
- LockFileCreateRead, etc.
- AddToDataDirLockFileRead is a little long and incomprehensible;
maybe LockFileUpdateRead etc.
- DSMWriteZeroBytes, maybe?

Of course the constants should be renamed to match.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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