On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> wrote:

> Hello Tom,
> I'm not entirely convinced that function-per-command is an improvement
>> though. [...]
> I don't have a definite opinion on that core question yet, since I've not
>> read this version of the patch.  Anybody else want to give an opinion?
> My 0.02€:
> I've already provided my view...
> Personnally I like good functions. Maybe a per-command-family set of
> functions could improve the code readability, but (1) I'm not sure this is
> achieved by this patch (eg the if-related state management is now
> dispatched in 4 functions) and (2) I'm not sure that this approach helps
> much with respect to trying to factor out backslash-command-related
> active-or-not argument management.
> However I have not looked at the patch in detail. I'm planing to do so
> later this week.

I offered to split the patch into two steps (1. break each "family" into
it's own function and 2. Do what's needed for \if-\endif) but got no
response. I can still do that if people think it's worthwhile.

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