On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Pavan Deolasee
<pavan.deola...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 11:49 PM, Pavan Deolasee <pavan.deola...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 6:46 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I was worried for the case if the index is created non-default
>>> collation, will the datumIsEqual() suffice the need.  Now again
>>> thinking about it, I think it will because in the index tuple we are
>>> storing the value as in heap tuple.  However today it occurred to me
>>> how will this work for toasted index values (index value >
>>> TOAST_INDEX_TARGET).  It is mentioned on top of datumIsEqual() that it
>>> probably won't work for toasted values.  Have you considered that
>>> point?
>> No, I haven't and thanks for bringing that up. And now that I think more
>> about it and see the code, I think the naive way of just comparing index
>> attribute value against heap values is probably wrong. The example of
>> TOAST_INDEX_TARGET is one such case, but I wonder if there are other varlena
>> attributes that we might store differently in heap and index. Like
>> index_form_tuple() ->heap_fill_tuple seem to some churning for varlena. It's
>> not clear to me if index_get_attr will return the values which are binary
>> comparable to heap values.. I wonder if calling index_form_tuple on the heap
>> values, fetching attributes via index_get_attr on both index tuples and then
>> doing a binary compare is a more robust idea. Or may be that's just
>> duplicating efforts.
>> While looking at this problem, it occurred to me that the assumptions made
>> for hash indexes are also wrong :-( Hash index has the same problem as
>> expression indexes have. A change in heap value may not necessarily cause a
>> change in the hash key. If we don't detect that, we will end up having two
>> hash identical hash keys with the same TID pointer. This will cause the
>> duplicate key scans problem since hashrecheck will return true for both the
>> hash entries. That's a bummer as far as supporting WARM for hash indexes is
>> concerned, unless we find a way to avoid duplicate index entries.
> Revised patches are attached.

Noted few cosmetic issues in 0005_warm_updates_v21:

pruneheap.c(939): warning C4098: 'heap_get_root_tuples' : 'void'
function returning a value

+ *  HCWC_WARM_UPDATED_TUPLE - a tuple with HEAP_WARM_UPDATED is found somewhere
+ *    in the chain. Note that when a tuple is WARM
+ *    updated, both old and new versions are marked
+ *    with this flag/
+ *
+ *  HCWC_WARM_TUPLE  - a tuple with HEAP_WARM_TUPLE is found somewhere in
+ *  the chain.
+ *
+ *  HCWC_CLEAR_TUPLE - a tuple without HEAP_WARM_TUPLE is found somewhere in
+ *   the chain.

Description of all three flags is same.

+ *  HCWC_WARM_UPDATED_TUPLE - a tuple with HEAP_WARM_UPDATED is found somewhere
+ *    in the chain. Note that when a tuple is WARM
+ *    updated, both old and new versions are marked
+ *    with this flag/

Spurious '/' at end of line.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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