On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not sure if we can consider it as completely synthetic because we
> might see some similar cases for json datatypes.  Can we once try to
> see the impact when the same test runs from multiple clients?  For
> your information, I am also trying to setup some tests along with one
> of my colleague and we will report the results once the tests are
> complete.
We have done some testing and below is the test details and results.

I have derived this test from above test given by pavan[1] except
below difference.

- I have reduced the fill factor to 40 to ensure that multiple there
is scope in the page to store multiple WARM chains.
- WARM updated all the tuples.
- Executed a large select to enforce lot of recheck tuple within single query.
- Smaller tuple size (aid field is around ~100 bytes) just to ensure
tuple have sufficient space on a page to get WARM updated.

* I can see more than 15% of regression in this case. This regression
is repeatable.
* If I increase the fill factor to 90 than regression reduced to 7%,
may be only fewer tuples are getting WARM updated and others are not
because of no space left on page after few WARM update.

Test Setup:
Machine Information:

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v3 @ 2.30GHz

Config Change:


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pgbench_accounts;
CREATE TABLE pgbench_accounts (
aid text,
bid bigint,
abalance bigint,
filler1 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler2 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler3 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler4 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler5 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler6 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler7 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler8 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler9 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler10 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler11 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler12 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text)
) WITH (fillfactor=40);

\set scale 10
\set end 0
\set start (:end + 1)
\set end (:start + (:scale * 100))

INSERT INTO pgbench_accounts SELECT generate_series(:start, :end
)::text || repeat('a', 100), (random()::bigint) % :scale, 0;

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pgb_a_aid ON pgbench_accounts(aid);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler1 ON pgbench_accounts(filler1);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler2 ON pgbench_accounts(filler2);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler3 ON pgbench_accounts(filler3);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler4 ON pgbench_accounts(filler4);

UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET filler1 = 'X';    --WARM update all the tuples

set enable_seqscan=off;
set enable_bitmapscan=off;
explain analyze select * FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid < '400' ||
repeat('a', 100) ORDER BY aid

./psql -d postgres -f setup.sql
./pgbench -c1 -j1 -T300 -M prepared -f test.sql postgres

tps = 3554.345313 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3554.880776 (excluding connections establishing)

tps = 4208.876829 (including connections establishing)
tps = 4209.440321 (excluding connections establishing)

*** After changing fill factor to 90 —

tps = 3794.414770 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3794.919592 (excluding connections establishing)

tps = 4206.445608 (including connections establishing)
tps = 4207.033559 (excluding connections establishing)


I have done some perfing for the patch and I have noticed that time is
increased in heap_check_warm_chain function.

Top 10 functions in perf results (with patch):
+    8.98%     1.04%  postgres  postgres            [.] varstr_cmp
+    7.24%     0.00%  postgres  [unknown]           [.] 0000000000000000
+    6.34%     0.36%  postgres  libc-2.17.so        [.] clock_gettime
+    6.34%     0.00%  postgres  [unknown]           [.] 0x0000000000030000
+    6.18%     6.15%  postgres  [vdso]              [.] __vdso_clock_gettime
+    5.72%     0.02%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] system_call_fastpath
+    4.08%     4.06%  postgres  libc-2.17.so        [.] __memcpy_ssse3_back
+    4.08%     4.06%  postgres  libc-2.17.so        [.] get_next_seq
+    3.92%     0.00%  postgres  [unknown]           [.] 0x6161616161616161
+    3.07%     3.05%  postgres  postgres            [.] heap_check_warm_chain

Thanks to Amit for helping in discussing the test ideas.

Dilip Kumar
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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