On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 5:13 AM, Ashutosh Bapat <
ashutosh.ba...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 9:00 PM, Keith Fiske <ke...@omniti.com> wrote:
>> I've gotten pg_partman working with native partitioning already so I can
>> hopefully have things ready to work when 10 is released. I've got a branch
>> on github with this version for anyone to test and I'll hopefully have this
>> released in the next few weeks after I finish some more testing myself. Any
>> feedback would be appreciated!
>> https://github.com/keithf4/pg_partman/tree/v3.0.0
> There's already a proposal to support default partition as [1]. That
> proposal talks about default partition in list partitioned tables. For
> range partitioned tables, we expect that a single partition with unbounded
> bounds would serve as default partition.

This would not work. The completely unbounded partition would overlap all
other possible partitions. How would it decide which child table to put
data in? Looks like this is stopped right from the start anyway.

keith@keith=# create table testing_range (id int, created_at timestamptz)
partition by range (created_at);
Time: 41.987 ms

keith@keith=# create table testing_range_default partition of testing_range
for values from (unbounded) to (unbounded);
Time: 8.625 ms

keith@keith=# create table testing_range_p2017_04 partition of
testing_range for values from ('2017-04-01 00:00:00') to ('2017-05-01
ERROR:  partition "testing_range_p2017_04" would overlap partition
Time: 4.516 ms

>> Thankfully since native partitioning still uses inheritance internally
>> for the most part, pg_partman works pretty well without nearly as much
>> change as I thought I would need. The biggest deficiency I'm seeing has to
>> do with not having a "default" partition to put data that doesn't match any
>> children. The fact that it throws an error is a concern, but it's not where
>> I see the main problem. Where this really comes into play is when someone
>> wants to make an existing table into a partitioned table. There's really no
>> easy way to do this outside of making a completely brand new partition set
>> and copying/moving the data from the old to the new.
> If there are multiple partitions, there is likely to be more data that
> needs to be moved that is retained in the old table. So, creating complete
> brand new partitioning and copying/moving data is annoying but not as much
> as it sounds. Obviously, if we could avoid it, we should try to.

Not sure I follow what you're saying here. With pg_partman, making the old
table the parent and still containing all the data has caused no issues
when I've migrated clients to it, nor has anyone reported any issues to me
with this system. New data goes to the child tables as they should and old
data is then moved when convenient. It makes things work very smoothly and
the only outage encountered is a brief lock at creation time.

>> Yes there are technically ways to do this fairly seamlessly to the user
>> of the partitioned table, but the complexity of those methods seems absurd
>> in the face of just allowing a default partition.
>> A default would basically allow a method similar to what pg_partman does
>> prior to native. Before I would just make the old table the parent and then
>> the user could move data to the children as needed, eventually leaving the
>> parent empty. All data is still accessible during this period and new
>> writes go to the new children. The old table can't be made the parent with
>> native obviously, but being able to define a default partition would allow
>> defining the old table as the default and pretty much give the exact same,
>> easy migration path. Without defining it as a default, you really can't
>> attach the old table since it would require a constraint interval that
>> would likely interfere with other children.
> Yes, I agree that default partition would make it easy to migrate the
> data. But, I think, we need ability to SPLIT the partition along-with
> default partitioning to convert an unpartitioned table to a partitioned
> one. We don't have a SPLIT partition support right now.

SPLIT would be fantastic, I agree. But also not realistic to make the v10
code freeze, which is what I'm trying to make a case for here.

>> I recall reading before that there are performance implications of having
>> the default. I think as long as those performance issues are clearly
>> documented and have no affect if there is no default, it shouldn't be a
>> concern that would hold this feature up. I believe the benefit of the
>> default partition to the migration process makes it more than worth it and
>> I'm hoping it's possible to get into 10 so users can more easily use this
>> new feature without having to wait for the next major version. Spoke with
>> several core members at PGConf this year and they asked me to send an email
>> to hackers making my case, so here it is!
> I have not followed that mail thread closely, but it will help if you (if
> interested) review/update the patch on thread and help the patch to get
> into a committable state.
> [1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAH2L28tbN4SYyhS7YV1YBWcitkqbh
> SWfQCy0G=aprcc_peo...@mail.gmail.com
> --
> Best Wishes,
> Ashutosh Bapat
> EnterpriseDB Corporation
> The Postgres Database Company

I've been watching that thread as well and as soon as a fix is posted about
the latest concerns, I'll gladly look into reviewing it.

Keith Fiske
Database Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.

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