Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

this arguments are quite academic.

You what!

On one side, this could be restricted, thats what pg_depends is good for (this already happens for inherited tables).
On the other side, how often do you rename columns or tables?

You what!

On mssql, nobody cares.

You what!

If you fool around with names, your views will be broken without warning. pgsql could be better easily.
I'd really prefer to have full view sources available rather than the gimmick of stable views despite renamed cols/tabs.

Gimmick! You what!!!!!!


I'm not natively english speaking, and so I don't understand what you want to say with this. Maybe this is some kind of Australian slang? Do you agree or disagree? I'm trying to explain my concerns and proposals, and it would be kind if I'm answered seriously and understandably.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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