2017-04-18 23:06 GMT+02:00 Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr>:

> Hello,
> There are different flavour of markdown, maybe you should document which
>>> one is targetted. Should it be CommonMark? Another variant? Why?
>> This should be pandoc pipe table. It's because it is similar to aligned
>> format. I need add this to documentation (i have it in recent TODO)
> I still do not understand "why" this variant vs CommonMark or whatever
> other version.

Because of simply implementation and readability (looks similar to aligned
format) and it is comfortable to edit generated table (changing values,
aligning columns etc.).

> ISTM that the md format lacks escaping for special md characters [...] I'd
>>> say that you need to do escaping more or less similar to html?
>> There is problem with markown and newlines. Replacing newline by br was
>> only solution that I was able to find.
> Fine. That does not answer the question about escaping other special md
> characters.

Sorry, maybe I`m not understanding, there is problems with characters like
pipe in cells, pipe should be escaped. What other special markdown
characters? Escaping html code in cells?

> Also, it seems that you use distinct vertical bar characters in the
>>> format? Or is this a trick of my terminal?? It seems that your patch
>>> introduces U+2502 (BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL) instead of the usual pipe
>>> in some places. Maybe you copy-pasted things from the unicode linestyle.
>> Main of the functionality is used from aligned format. I tested returned
>> tables in retext and it works. If i have another character than standart
>> pipe, it shouldn`t work.
> Sure. ISTM that you are currently using U+2502 instead of pipe, hence my
> point.

Could you send me example where?

> Why are *_newline variants added for length and formatting? Would it be
>>> possible to do without, say by relying on the line count computed by the
>>> standard function for instance?
>> It`s because newlines in markdown, If I need to do it without copy this
>> function, i had to add parameter for markdown to this functions.
> Then maybe it is an option to consider to avoid duplicating code.
> --
> Fabien.

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