Hi hackers,

My colleague Prabhat Sahu reported off list that transition tables
don't work for views.  I probably should have thought about that when
I fixed something similar for partitioned tables, and after some
experimentation I see that this is also broken for foreign tables.

For foreign tables using postgres_fdw, I see that transition tables
capture new rows for INSERT but capture nothing for DELETE and UPDATE.

For views, aside from the question of transition tables, I noticed
that statement triggers don't seem to fire at all with updatable
views.  Surely they should -- isn't that a separate bug?


  create table my_table (i int);
  create view my_view as select * from my_table;
  create function my_trigger_function() returns trigger language plpgsql as
    $$ begin raise warning 'hello world'; return null; end; $$;
  create trigger my_trigger after insert or update or delete on my_view
    for each statement execute procedure my_trigger_function();
  insert into my_view values (42);

... and the world remains ungreeted.

As for transition tables, there are probably meaningful ways to
support those for both views and foreign tables at least in certain
cases, as future feature enhancements.  For now, do you agree that we
should reject such triggers as unsupported?  See attached.

Separately, I noticed an obsolete sentence in the trigger
documentation.  See doc.patch.

Thomas Munro

Attachment: prevent-unsupported-transition-tables.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: doc.patch
Description: Binary data

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