On 27/05/17 20:30, Erik Rijkers wrote:

Here is what I have:

  starts up 2 assert enabled sessions

  alternative to instances.sh
  starts up 2 assert disabled 'fast' sessions

  loop to call pgbench_derail2.sh with varying params

  main test program
  can be called 'standalone'
    ./pgbench_derail2.sh $scale $clients $duration $date_str
  so for instance this should work:
    ./pgbench_derail2.sh 25 64 60 20170527_1019
to remove publication and subscription from sessions, add a 5th parameter 'clean'
    ./pgbench_derail2.sh 1 1 1 1 'clean'

  displays replication state. also called by pgbench_derail2.sh
  must be in path

  display results
  I keep this in a screen-session as:
  watch -n 20 './result.sh 201705'

Peculiar to my setup also:
  server version at compile time stamped with date + commit hash
I misuse information_schema.sql_packages at compile time to store patch information
  instances are in $pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.<project name>

So you'll have to outcomment a line here and there, and adapt paths, ports, and things like that.

It's a bit messy, I should have used perl from the beginning...

Considering it is all shell - pretty nice! I spent a bit of time today getting this working in a vanilla Ubuntu 16.04 cloud server. I found a few things that didn't work (suspect Erik has some default env variables set for ports and databases). These were sufficient to stop logical replication working for me at all - due to no dbname specified in the subscription connection.

Given I had to make some changes anyway, I moved all the config into one place (new file config.sh) - made all the programs use /bin/bash as interpreter (/bin/sh just does not work for scripts on Ubuntu), added ports and databases as reqd and fixed the need to mess too much with PATH (see attached diff).

So running in cloud land now...so for no errors - will update.


diff -Naur test.orig/config.sh test/config.sh
--- test.orig/config.sh	1970-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 +1200
+++ test/config.sh	2017-05-28 15:21:33.261701918 +1200
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff -Naur test.orig/instances_fast.sh test/instances_fast.sh
--- test.orig/instances_fast.sh	2017-05-28 15:18:33.315780487 +1200
+++ test/instances_fast.sh	2017-05-28 15:19:02.511439749 +1200
@@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
 #    assertions on  in $pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.<project name>/bin
 #    assertions off in $pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.<project name>/bin.fast
-port1=6972 project1=logical_replication
-port2=6973 project2=logical_replication2
+. config.sh
 -c wal_level=logical
 -c max_replication_slots=10
@@ -36,6 +29,6 @@
 -c log_filename=logfile.${project2} 
 -c log_replication_commands=on "
-export PATH=$PATH1; PG=$(which postgres); $PG -D $data_dir1 -p $port1 ${options1} &
-export PATH=$PATH2; PG=$(which postgres); $PG -D $data_dir2 -p $port2 ${options2} &
+export PATH=$PATH1; export PG=$(which postgres); $PG -D $data_dir1 -p $port1 ${options1} &
+export PATH=$PATH2; export PG=$(which postgres); $PG -D $data_dir2 -p $port2 ${options2} &
diff -Naur test.orig/instances.sh test/instances.sh
--- test.orig/instances.sh	2017-05-28 15:18:33.291780768 +1200
+++ test/instances.sh	2017-05-28 15:19:02.511439749 +1200
@@ -1,17 +1,9 @@
 #    assertions on  in $pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.<project name>/bin
 #    assertions off in $pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.<project name>/bin.fast
-port1=6972 project1=logical_replication
-port2=6973 project2=logical_replication2
+. config.sh
 -c wal_level=logical
diff -Naur test.orig/pgbench_derail2.sh test/pgbench_derail2.sh
--- test.orig/pgbench_derail2.sh	2017-05-28 15:18:33.363779926 +1200
+++ test/pgbench_derail2.sh	2017-05-28 15:19:02.511439749 +1200
@@ -11,11 +11,13 @@
 #    I misuse information_schema.sql_packages  at compile time to store patch information
 #    instances are  in $pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.<project name>
+. config.sh
+export PATH=$PATH1
 # assume both instances are running, on port 6972 (master) and 6973 (replica)
-port1=6972  logfile1=$pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.logical_replication/logfile.logical_replication
-port2=6973  logfile2=$pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.logical_replication2/logfile.logical_replication2
 # clear logs
 echo > $logfile1
@@ -96,16 +98,16 @@
-export PGDATABASE=testdb
+export PGDATABASE=$db
- pgdata_master=$pg_stuff_dir/pg_installations/pgsql.logical_replication/data
 function cb()
   #  display the 4 pgbench tables' accumulated content as md5s
   #  a,b,t,h stand for:  pgbench_accounts, -branches, -tellers, -history
-  num_tables=$( echo "select count(*) from pg_class where relkind = 'r' and relname ~ '^pgbench_'" | psql -qtAX )
+  num_tables=$( echo "select count(*) from pg_class where relkind = 'r' and relname ~ '^pgbench_'" | psql -qtAX -p $port1 )
   if [[ $num_tables -ne 4 ]] 
      echo "pgbench tables not 4 - exit" 
@@ -145,7 +147,7 @@
    echo "$1"
-   pubsub.sh $port1
+   ./pubsub.sh $port1
    sub_count=$( echo "select count(*) from pg_subscription" | psql -qtAXp $port2 )
    if  [[ $sub_count -ne 0 ]]; then
@@ -254,14 +256,14 @@
 && echo "drop table if exists pgbench_accounts; drop table if exists pgbench_branches; drop table if exists pgbench_tellers; drop table if exists pgbench_history;" | psql -qXp $port2 \
 && pgbench -p $port1 -qis ${scale//_/} && echo " alter table pgbench_history add column hid serial primary key;" | psql -q1Xp $port1 && pg_dump -F c -p $port1     \
            --exclude-table-data=pgbench_history  --exclude-table-data=pgbench_accounts --exclude-table-data=pgbench_branches --exclude-table-data=pgbench_tellers  \
-           -t pgbench_history  -t pgbench_accounts -t pgbench_branches -t pgbench_tellers | pg_restore -1 -p $port2 -d testdb
+           -t pgbench_history  -t pgbench_accounts -t pgbench_branches -t pgbench_tellers | pg_restore -1 -p $port2 -d $db
 echo "create publication pub1 for all tables;" | psql -p $port1 -aqtAX
-echo "create subscription sub1 connection 'port=${port1} application_name=$appname' publication pub1 with(enabled=false);
+echo "create subscription sub1 connection 'port=${port1} dbname=${db} application_name=$appname' publication pub1 with(enabled=false);
 alter subscription sub1 enable;" | psql -p $port2 -aqtAX
-pubsub.sh $port1
+./pubsub.sh $port1
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@
   pseconds=$( echo "$duration / 5" | bc )
   echo "-- pgbench -c $clients -j $threads -T $duration -P $pseconds -n   --  scale $scale"
-           pgbench -c $clients -j $threads -T $duration -P $pseconds -n    #  scale $scale
+           pgbench -c $clients -j $threads -T $duration -P $pseconds -n  -p $port1
   echo "-- not running pgbench..."
@@ -280,7 +282,7 @@
-pubsub.sh $port1
+./pubsub.sh $port1
 date +"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"
 echo "-- getting md5 (cb)"
diff -Naur test.orig/pubsub.sh test/pubsub.sh
--- test.orig/pubsub.sh	2017-05-28 15:18:33.383779692 +1200
+++ test/pubsub.sh	2017-05-28 15:19:02.511439749 +1200
@@ -2,16 +2,9 @@
-# default: use HEAD1 and HEAD2 instances (from unaltered git master instances)
-port1=6511 project1=HEAD1
-port2=6512 project2=HEAD2
+. config.sh
+export PATH=$PATH
-if [[ "$1" == "6972" ]]
-    # use the logical_replication and logical_replication2 instances (these aer instances of patched master).
-    port1=6972 project1=logical_replication
-    port2=6973 project2=logical_replication2
 # echo '\dRp' | psql -d $db -qX -p $port1
 # echo '\dRs' | psql -d $db -qX -p $port2
diff -Naur test.orig/results.sh test/results.sh
--- test.orig/results.sh	2017-05-28 15:18:33.399779505 +1200
+++ test/results.sh	2017-05-28 15:19:02.511439749 +1200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # cd $HOME/pg_stuff/pg_sql/pgsql.logical_replication/outs
diff -Naur test.orig/testset.sh test/testset.sh
--- test.orig/testset.sh	2017-05-28 15:18:33.335780253 +1200
+++ test/testset.sh	2017-05-28 15:19:02.511439749 +1200
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-port1=6972 project1=logical_replication
-port2=6973 project2=logical_replication2
+. config.sh
+export PATH=$PATH1
 while [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]
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