On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie> wrote:
> My assumption would be that since you have as many as two
> statement-level triggers firing that could reference transition tables
> when ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE is used (one AFTER UPDATE statement level
> trigger, and another AFTER INSERT statement level trigger), there'd be
> separation at that level. You'd see updated tuples with one, and
> inserted within the other. While INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE is
> essentially one statement, it behaves as two statements in certain
> limited ways.

BTW, as you probably already know INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE is
unable to affect the same row version a second time -- if we go on to
update a row that the same upsert statement itself actually originally
inserted, then a cardinality violation error is raised (recall that
upsert does not actually use MVCC semantics to detect conflicting
tuples). This differs from the UPDATE situation (I should really say
the UPDATE ... FROM situation), where the implementation has always
silently not updated the row a second time (to avoid the halloween

This cardinality violation restriction is a useful one for us to have
imposed, because there is now no question about the same row appearing
more than once. We know that a given row (any tuple from a single
update chain) cannot appear once for an INSERT statement level trigger
firing (appearing in the transition table there), while also making a
second appearance for the UPDATE statement level trigger.

Peter Geoghegan

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